Technical Information:

Device selection table

LAN Controller
LAN Controller XL
LAN Controller Multistream 16

Infared Codes

Software / Applications

IRTrans Software architecture

•  The IRTrans System is based on a TCP/IP Client / Server architecture.
Client and Server communicate using the (official) TPC and UDP port 21.000.
•  At the same time (almost) any number of clients can connect to the IRTrans server.
All of them can send and receive.
•  The IRTrans Server can manage 16 busses with 16 devices each = 256 devices.
•  Using the TCP/IP structure it is possible to access the system from anywhere (using Internet / Intranet connections).
TCP/IP Netmasks allow to limit the access to the server to certain IP addresses.
•  The Client/Server Software is Open Source and runs on Windows and LINUX using a Single Sourcecode concept.
•  The server completely controls the learn process for IR codes. They are stored in a central database compromised of ASCII files. Addressing of the devices in a multizone systems is controlled by the server, too.
•  In addition to the IRTrans socket interface the server also has a LIRC / WinLIRC compatible interface.

Application interface

Due to the flexible Opensource architecture of the IRTrans System and the TCP/IP server the system can easily be adapted to different applications. Each plugin connects to the IRTrans server. This has got several advantages: The majority of the code has got to be implemented only once - in the IRTrans server. Furthermore almost any number of clients can connect to the server and use the system at the same time. Because of the TCP/IP connection client and server can run on different systems that can connect over the internet. These systems can even be installed on different operating systems.

Applications not mentioned here can mostly be controlled through Girder.
If applications important for you are missing don't hesitate to ask us.
The list of supported programs is constantly growing.

Windows Software

•  Girder. IRTrans has got a full featured Girder plug-in. It not only allows to control the PC but can also learn and send commands and control an LCD display connected to the IRTrans System.
Furthermore Girder can be used to control lots of other applications and can therefore also be used as an universal interface to control applications.
•  Meedio / Sceneo. Meedio and the related Sceneo werden are supported through an IRTrans Plugin. It also supports controlling the display and sending of IR codes.
•  WinLIRC. The IRTrans System is compatible with LIRC and WinLIRC. That means all clients with LIRC or WinLIRC interfaces can be used with the IRTrans system. LIRC or WinLIRC do not need to be installed. As the LIRC / WinLIRC interface is part of the IRTrans server no additional software is needed.
•  myHTPC. IRTrans can be used with the WinLIRC setting of myHTPC. No driver or plug-in is needed.
•  Microsoft Windows XP Mediacenter Edition™. The MCE driver controls an LCD display and allows to remote control the MCE software through IRTrans.
•  IP-Symcon comes with an integrated plugin for IRTrans.
•  HIP supports the IRTrans system with an integrated plugin.
•  V8tech MMC has builtin support for the IRTrans System.
•  HomeSeer is supported using a plug-in that is supplied with the IRTrans Software. It allows receiving, learning and sending of IR codes
•  LCDHype. A driver for the Windows LCD Software LCDHype is supplied with the system. That way the LCD display can be programmed freely.
•  MS Mediaplayer: The Microsoft Mediaplayer can be controlled using a remote control. Furthermore the current track infos are displayed on the LCD display.

LINUX Software

•  LIRC. The IRTrans System is compatible with LIRC and WinLIRC. That means all clients with LIRC or WinLIRC interfaces can be used with the IRTrans system. LIRC or WinLIRC do not need to be installed. As the LIRC / WinLIRC interface is part of the IRTrans server no additional software is needed.
•  VDR can be controlled using the LIRC interface of IRTrans.
•  MisterHouse is supported through the xAP interface of the IRTrans server.
•  lcdproc: A driver for the LINUX LCD software lcdproc is shipped with the system

Program interfaces und standard plugins

•  LIRC and WinLIRC: All applications with LIRC or WinLIRC interface can be used with the IRTrans system.
•  xAP: The xAP interface is a standard feature of the irserver.
•  Active-X: The Active-X Plug-in allows to write own programms in all languages that support Active-X. To send commands only 5-10 lines of code are needed. Of course learning and receiving is also supported.
•  C DLL: The "C" DLL makes integration of IRTrans in own "C" programs very easy.
•  .NET DLL: Die .NET managed DLL allows to use the IRTrans System with all Managed .NET programming languages (C++, C#, VB). That way it is very easy to add an infrared interface to .NET projects.